Current Tenants
- Edinburgh Conference Centre
- National Performance Centre for Sports
- Institute of Petroleum Engineering
- Fugro EMU
- Weatherfords
- Dreampact
- Helica
- Ikon
- Luxassure
- Abelon Systems
- Hydrafact
- Tritech
- Trig Avionics
- Edinburgh Biosiences
- Rocella
- Vacant
- British Geological Society (BGS)
- Scottish Woodlands
- Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)
- Origo Centre
- Computer Application Services (CAS)
- International Study Group
- Vacant Site
- Origo Services
- Vacant Site
- Scottish Whiskey Research Institute (SWRI)
- TES Electronics
- Burdica
- Aptiv
- Rospa
- Quotient
- Scottish Business in the Community (SBC)
- Babcock LGE
- Renishaw
- Scottish Water
- Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM)
- Scottish National Blood Transfusion Services