Welcome to Heriot-Watt University Research Park, Edinburgh’s largest science park. x

Tenant Directory

Current Tenants

  1. Edinburgh Conference Centre
  2. National Performance Centre for Sports
  3. Institute of Petroleum Engineering
  4. Fugro EMU
  5. Weatherfords
  6. Dreampact
  7. Helica
  8. Ikon
  9. Luxassure
  10. Abelon Systems
  11. Hydrafact
  12. Tritech
  13. Trig Avionics
  14. C-MIST
  15. Edinburgh Biosiences
  16. Rocella
  17. Vacant
  18. British Geological Society (BGS)
  19. Scottish Woodlands
  20. Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)
  21. Origo Centre
  22. Computer Application Services (CAS)
  23. International Study Group
  24. Vacant Site
  25. Origo Services
  26. Vacant Site
  27. Scottish Whiskey Research Institute (SWRI)
  28. TES Electronics
  29. Burdica
  30. Aptiv
  31. Rospa
  32. Quotient
  33. Scottish Business in the Community (SBC)
  34. Babcock LGE
  35. Renishaw
  36. Scottish Water
  37. Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM)
  38. Scottish National Blood Transfusion Services

Tenant Directory